Mary Ann Laing

From The Studio

(posted on 1 Sep 2020)


" From My Heart To Yours "

New Works by Mary Ann Laing

September 12 to September 24, 2020

West End Gallery, Victoria, B.C.


In partnership with Elaine Brewer White's new collection of sculptures, " Canadian Iconic "

Opening reception Saturday, September 12, 2 pm to 4 pm



" A Visit With The Grandparents "  oil on wrapped canvas  48 inches x 48 inches


It is September 1st.  I am brush hustling, or maybe that should be paint hustling, last minute push to finish those works that were promised before they were born.  I feel okay with the paintings, anyone who knows me will think I've made a major break through of confidence saying that.  Okay is good, in fact, okay is amazing.  Not saying I will feel okay all day, but at this moment of time, I'm thankful for okay.

My inspiration for this collection of works comes from years of photos I have collected over the decades. I've never been an artist who bonded with painting on location, perhaps that's because I am basically an introvert who needs the protection of her creative cave surrounding her while she pushes her brush across the canvas.  I ponder the ways artists are inspired and how it comes through in their work.  In fact, before I started painting for this show, I made the mistake of looking at other artist's work to find inspiration, then remembered that after all the years of painting, time to look at myself for inspiration.  No one knows what drove the artist to paint what they did except themselves, from their own silent and personal heart.  SO... I decided that was it, look inside my own heart, past paintings I have painted, the memories that stir old emotions that never disappear, hence the title for this show, From My Heart To Yours.

I have, however, gone back to my bible of words written by Robert Genn.  I am constantly reminded by his eloquent words why I paint.  This particular newsletter I looked up on trees truly says it all for me.  So I am going to quote Robert Genn now: 

 ” I find it valuable, in solitude, to anthropomorphize natural objects, including trees. This means to attribute human characteristics to them. Trees of different species, for example, droop in sadness, empathize with one another, pray to the sky, take joy in the wind. Some trees reach out, others are smug or private, still others are exuberant or voluptuous. "

"More than anything trees are metaphors. Firmly rooted, genuinely patient and content, willing to undergo insult and humiliation, they also open themselves to all manner of creatures and make a home for many. These oldest of living beings have nobility in every leaf. They bring warmth to the northern cabin, and shade to the southern traveler. Daily, they do the breathing for our increasingly fragile planet. If they were to disappear, we would soon be dead. To honour trees is to grasp life. "

Amen Robert, and thank you!

Thank you, also, to West End Gallery for giving me the opportunity to share my artistic soul to the world, I am always so grateful!

Back to my paint hustling, hope to see you there!

Mary Ann