Oil Paintings
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" Lazy Afternoon " 36x48 oil on canvas West End Gallery Victoria, B.C. sold
Sunny St. Charles Street, Victoria, B.C. 36x36 oil on canvas SOLD West End Gallery Victoria
Hogging The Limelight oil on canvas 30x40 Mary Ann Laing available West End Gallery Victoria
A Stone's Throw Away 30x24 oil on canvas sold West End Gallery Victoria
Time Stands Still oil on canvas 48x48 West End Gallery Victoria SOLD
A Visit With the Grandparents oil on canvas 48x48 SOLD
Let The Bus Be Late oil on canvas 16x20 available West End Gallery Victoria
Field Trip to Sidney Spit oil on canvas 24x36 SOLD
Celebration of Colour oil on canvas 36x36 West End Gallery SOLD
Wildwood Street Wander o/c 16x20 SOLD
Did Someone Mention Ice Cream? o/c 24x30 SOLD
Cruising The Hollywood Crescent 24x18 o/c SOLD
Summer Dreams in October 30x22 o/c sold at West End Gallery Victoria
Mozart's Garden in Minor C 24x20 o/c available at West End Gallery Victoria
The Tree of Life My Soul Hath Seen 30x24 o/c sold at West End Gallery Victoria
Like A Walk In The Park 20x20 o/c SOLD
Ablaze 24x24 o/c sold at West End Gallery Victoria
Follow Me 36x48 o/c available SOLD
Share The Spotlight 30X30 o/c SOLD
The Hideaway 36x36 o/c SOLD
Rhapsody In Blue 36x24 o/c SOLD
Day Off 24x36 o/c available West End Gallery Victoria SOLD
Rest Stop at the Redwoods oil on canvas 11x14 sold West End Gallery Victoria
Resting Place 20x20 o/c sold West End Gallery Victoria
Garden Tour oil on canvas 12x24 SOLD
Come Back Soon 24x36 o/c SOLD
On The Home Stretch 24x36 o/c SOLD
Hurry Home oil on canvas 12x24 SOLD
Where The Rivers Once Flow oil on canvas 24x30 sold at West End Gallery Victoria
Room At The Top 30x36 o/c SOLD
Before The Run 24x36 o/c SOLD
Mt. Douglas Wander oil on linen 24x30 SOLD
Let's Dance oil on canvas 24x24 SOLD
Walk Down The Aisle 36x24 o/c SOLD
Colourful Clean up oil on canvas 16x20 SOLD
Pause For Thought 24x24 o/c SOLD
I Wonder What's For Dinner 30x40 o/c SOLD
This Road Seems Familiar 22x28 o/c SOLD
Beach Day 36x36 o/c SOLD
Life Can Be So Sweet 24x18 o/c SOLD
Meet You After Supper 30x40 o/c SOLD
Fairfield In The Fall 20x16 o/c SOLD
Where Old Friends Meet 22x30 o/c SOLD
Redwoods Delight 18x14 o/c SOLD
" October Light " 24x30 oil on canvas SOLD
" The Congregation " 36x36 o/c SOLD
" Sunny Path " 11x14 oil on canvas SOLD
" Go With The Flow " 24x36 oil on canvas SOLD
" Still Waters Run Deep " 30x30 oil on canvas SOLD
"Around Every Corner" 16 x 20 oil on canvas SOLD
Colour of Love 36 x 36 oil SOLD
Meanderings 24X30 o/c SOLD
"Lighten Up" 16 x 20 oil on canvas SOLD
There Are Places I Remember 20 x 24 oil on canvas SOLD
"Where Paths Do Cross" 16 x 20 oil on canvas SOLD
"Quiet Conversations" 30 x 30 oil on canvas SOLD
The Stories They Tell 30x24 o/c SOLD